Hello, friends! We’re experiencing a stretch of AWESOME weather here in Missouri – I’m talking 70 degrees and sunny. It’s fantastic! However, it’s making this teacher a tad less excited to get up and go to work. I’m already envisioning myself sitting on my patio, drinking my coffee, enjoying the quiet part of the day before my daughters wake up. Then, making them breakfast, hanging out and having fun before crashing for an afternoon nap … ahhhhh…
I can see it now! We’re still a few weeks away from summer vacation, though and my students and I still have A LOT to accomplish in that time. It always seems to me that the stretch of time between St. Patrick’s Day and Easter (when Easter is later) just drags on and on. Motivation on both sides of the desk is lacking – my seniors have severe cases of senioritis, my juniors have end-of-school-itis, and their teacher is just darn tired.
I’m trying to shift my mindset from, “ugh, I have to get up and go to work,” to “I get to go to work and make a (hopefully) positive impact on my students!” I know this sounds cliche, but it’s a change I’m trying to make over the next few weeks when I really need a motivational kick in the tush.
Some of my friends use a gratitude journal to help them focus on the positives and start the day off with the right mindset. I like this idea but, as most of you can probably relate, I’m so rushed in the morning! It’s just not something I can do consistently in the hectic chaos that is our getting up, getting ready, going to school/work morning routine.
So, instead, I’ve decided to share one thing daily that I’m thankful for each school day until the end of the year. This is quick and easy to do and will hopefully remind me of all of my blessings throughout the day, as well as keep me motivated to finish the year strong!
Will you join me? Follow #thankfulthoughts to join the conversation!
Thanks for reading 🙂
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